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August 10, 2018 Food

Did you know that you can hack your morning cuppa and make it healthier? Coffee has been proven to have its health benefits but you can amp it up and make it more nutrient-rich if you are willing to make a few extra changes to your regular brew.

Here are the best tips to make your coffee healthier:

  1. Sprinkle with Cayenne 

Did you know that in South America, coffee lovers put cayenne pepper to their morning cup? The cayenne adds a bit of heat and warmth to their brew. According to studies, cayenne helps with digestion, eases migraine, aids in preventing blood clots, and it relieves nerves and joint pain.

  1. Change your sweetener

Refined sugar is what makes an already tasty coffee to a sinful everyday drink. If you can swap your sugar with a healthier alternative like coconut oil, you are boosting the health benefits of your morning cuppa. Coconut oil has been proven to aid in weight loss and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. A dash of cinnamon

A pinch of cinnamon doesn’t only give your coffee that holiday-ish aroma, but it also gives you an antioxidant boost. Cinnamon has been linked to reducing chances of getting a heart disease and diabetes.

  1. Add cocoa

If you haven’t tried adding cocoa powder to your coffee, you should. Unsweetened cocoa offer anti-inflammatory and and antioxidant properties that helps your body fight high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and manage type 2 diabetes.

  1. Cardamom

The health benefits of cardamom include gastrointestinal protection, cholesterol control, relief from cardiovascular issues and improvement of blood circulation in the body. It’s also a natural breath freshener.

August 10, 2018 Food
Whether you’re trying to lose weight or you just need a sweet treat after a long day, dark chocolate is your friend.

Dark chocolate is full of nutrients and it offers amazing benefits for your health. Quality dark chocolates are rich in fibre, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and a few other minerals.

To learn more about the health benefits of dark chocolate, keep reading.

  1. Reduce blood pressure levels

Dark chocolate has bioactive compounds found in cocoa that can improve blood flow in the arteries. This cause a small but statistically important decrease in blood pressure. Studies have shown that eating dark chocolate appears to help improve artery function and decrease blood pressure levels.

  1. Support brain function

If you feel like you need a little bit of brain boost, eating dark chocolate is one of the answers. In a studywhere healthy volunteers spent five days consuming high-flavanol cocoa, the participants showed improved blood flow to the brain.

In older people with mental impairment, cocoa may also significantly boost cognitive function. It can also improve verbal fluency. While caffeine and theobromine, which are stimulant substances found in cocoa can also improve brain function in the short term.

  1. Reduce risk of heart disease

There are observational studies that show a big reduction in heart disease risk for people who consume dark chocolate.

For example, in one study of 470 elderly men, cocoa was found to decrease the chances of cardiovascular death by half over a 15-year period.

According to another study, eating chocolate  two or more times per week lowered the risk of having calcified plaque in the arteries by a whopping 32 per cent!

  1. Helps protect skin

If you want to improve your complexion, don’t be afraid to include dark chocolate in your diet. The bioactive compounds in cocoa is great for your skin. The flavanoids that comes with dark chocolate helps protect against sun damage, improve blood flow, and increase skin density and hydration.

August 10, 2018 Food

Eggs get such a bad rep in the nutrition industry even though many studies have proven otherwise. Probably, the biggest controversy surrounding eggs is you guessed it right – cholesterol.

This particular issue blew up five decades ago when the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Heart Association was released 50 years ago, which puts a limit on how much cholesterol a person should only consume per day. Sadly, this dietary recommendation did not evolve as fast as science does over the years.

As we understand it now based on factual research and experiments, dietary cholesterol (the kind you’ll find in eggs) actually has very little effect on blood cholesterol, and eggs are actually beneficial to the human body.
  1. Aids in weight loss

Eating eggs in the morning, instead of bagels or any sort of bread, can actually help you lose weight based on certain studies. As a matter of fact, one particular research showed that women subjects found eating eggs early in the day very satisfying that tend to eat less at later meals.

  1. Rich in protein

If you’re wondering why bodybuilders love eggs, the answer is protein. Whole eggs are an excellent source of protein. They contain amino acids which is essential for our diet and it’s more easily digested than other protein sources.

  1. Eggs don’t cause heart disease

It’s true that eggs contain cholesterol, but contrary to popular belief, the dietary cholesterol found in eggs do not adversely affect blood cholesterol levels that can cause a variety of health problems. In fact, egg cholesterol raise HDL or what doctors call the ‘good cholesterol’.

  1. It’s good for your memory

Aside from being a protein-rich food, eggs are also choline-rich, has been found to stimulate brain development and function, as well as improve memory.

  1. Eggs are good for your eyes

There are two antioxidants found in eggs – leutin and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants have been shown to make your eyes healthy by protecting them from macular degeneration and cataracts.

August 10, 2018 Food

Maintaining pearly white teeth is something that many people are conscious of. Quality teeth whitening products (those that are safe and effective) can be pricey. Teeth whitening sessions at the dentist are not essentially cheap.

Keeping your teeth white shouldn’t be awfully expensive. Avoiding certain foods is an effective way to give your smile bright and white.

  1. Red wine

If you love wines, you’ve probably had that funny red wine smile after a few glasses. Red wine may seem harmless but too much of it can actually stain your teeth.

  1. White wine

Did you know that white wine can cause yellow teeth as well? Before you pour yourself a glass of chardonnay, take note that white wine can cause yellow teeth as well. It’s not because of the color but the acid that is present in the white wine and its effect on your teeth.

  1. Tea and coffee

It’s no secret that caffeinated beverages cause teeth discolouration. However, due to the addictive nature of coffee, people do not even try to give up on it. Well, the good news is, you don’t have to. You just have to add milk or your choice of creamer to combat the stain.

  1. Fresh lemon and lime

The acid in citrus fruits can actually strip off the enamel of your teeth – the protective coating. When the enamel eroded, the teeth reveals its yellow undertones.

  1. Beetroot

Beets can also leave unpleasant stains on your pearly whites. To combat the effect, munch on some cheese.

  1. Balsamic vinegar and soy sauce

If you look at the label closely, most balsamic vinegars are made up of fifteen per cent sugar. The dark and sticky liquid quickly attaches itself to your teeth so monitor your consumption if you want to maintain healthy, white teeth.

August 10, 2018 Food

Australia health and dietary authorities recommend that we drink two litres of water. That’s only eight glasses per day but most of us don’t meet the suggested amount of fluid intake. If you come to think of it, the human body is made up of roughly 60 per cent water, and it’s vital to our survival.

The health benefits of water are amazing. In fact, if you will drink only water for 30 days, expect to experience health rewards that will blow you away.

  1. You will boost your brainpower

The brain gets its oxygen from water to function optimally. According to Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Journal, if you will only drink water 30 days, your mental performance and acuity will improve immensely.

  1. You will slow down ageing

Water is a magical anti-ageing elixir. It keeps your skin and cells hydrated. Hydration means less wrinkles, more muscle tone, and a more youthful appearance.

  1. You will have faster metabolism

When your metabolism is in full gear, your body’s ability to burn fat increases. In fact, according to a report published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, by drinking water only, you can increase your metabolic rate by 30 per cent.

  1. Stronger immune system

Cell renewal is key to a stronger immune system. Water is vital to cell renewal, plus it also supports the optimal function of your liver and kidneys by getting rid of toxins in your blood.

  1. It strengthens the heart

To maintain a healthy heart, drinking water is essential. Oxygenating this vital organ helps lower blood pressure and helps decrease your risk of heart attack by preventing blood thickening.

  1. Develop stronger bones

Water serves as a natural lubricant for your joints and is a main ingredient in rebuilding cartilage, which helps your joints move smoothly, and it prevents joint damage in the process.


Are you drinking eight glasses of water a day?

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