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August 10, 2018 Health

Did you know that your feet can be wonderful indicators if there’s something wrong in your health?

The signs are subtle but your feet can tell you to serious health conditions like diabetes or thyroid disease faster than your doctor.

Here are some of the signs that demands your attention according to your feet.

1.Cold feet

Does your feet constantly cold? It can be a sign of various ailments such as poor circulation, anemia, diabetes, or Raynaud’s disease – which causes blood vessels to constrict when nerves react strongly to cold temperatures.

2. Enlarged big toe

If you are suffering from a painful toe that is red, hot, and swollen, it is possible that you have gout, which is the most arthritis in men. It is not only painful but it can also lead to kidney stones.

3. Discoloured toenails

Women who wears nail polish regularly may often experience a yellowish hue on their toenails which is completely harmless and normal. However, if you are a person who doesn’t wear nail polish that often, it could be a sign of tuberculosis, sinusitis, an inflamed thyroid, or even jaundice caused by an array of liver problems.

4. Tingling feet

Are you experiencing pins and needles or even numbness in your feet? This could be an indicator that you are having circulatory difficulties, or that your peripheral nervous system is damaged. For diabetes patients, tingling sensation in the feet is a sign of nerve damage. But numbness and tingling in the extremities can be an early sign of multiple sclerosis.

5. Swollen feet

If ever your feet suddenly swells up, or if you are experiencing it regularly, it could be a sign of any number of health problems, from poor blood circulation, and deep thrombosis to kidney or liver failure, and blood clots. When you experience such swelling, consult your doctor immediately.

August 10, 2018 Health

Research says that our eye colour could hold clues about our health. Surprised? Whether they’re hazel, brown, grey, blue, gray, or somewhere in between, the colour of your eyes could dictate your risk for certain diseases, and more surprisingly can predict how much your body can handle booze.

  1. You are more likely to develop cataracts if you have dark eye colour.

According the a 2009 study released by the American Journal of Ophthalmology, people with dark eye colours have higher chances (1.5 to 2.5 times) of developing cataracts than those with light coloured eyes. This means that people with dark eyes should take extra care in protecting their peepers. Wearing sunglasses when it’s bright outside is always a good idea.

  1. You have higher chances of having age-related macular degeneration if you have light eye colour.

Vision loss after 50 is an age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It’s one of the most common causes of eyesight loss in older people. Supporting studies have shown that being born with light eyes comes with an increased risk of AMD two times. Although the studies were small and there is still no causal link between the two, it may be more of an association.

  1. Women with light coloured eyes have higher pain tolerance.

Last year, at the American Pain Society, a research that was presented women with light eyes (blue or green), have the ability to withstand pain and discomfort better. In the study, a group of 58 pregnant Caucasian women were put into a test and the subjects with light-coloured eyes were able to tolerate pain better during childbirth compared to light-coloured eyes women (brown or hazel). The results are preliminary and more support evidence is needed to pinpoint the cause behind the links. The author believes that a genetic component is responsible and it could help doctors identify a genetic cause of pain in the near future.

  1. You have higher chances of developing melanoma if you have blue eyes.

Based on a 2014 study, suggests that people with blue eyes have higher risk for moles or freckling in childhood, which are often precursors to melanoma later in life. The study focuses on 477 children, aged 6 to 10, and concluded that children with blue eyes have greater risk to the development of moles compared to other children without the gene.

  1. You have higher chances of having Type 1 diabetes if you have blue eyes.

In 2011, an Italian study highlights that blue-eyed people suffer a significantly high level of type 1 diabetes compared to their darker eyed counterparts. Three genes are believed to have caused this. The researchers found that 21 per cent of Type 1 diabetes sufferers in Lazio and Sardinia are people with blue eyes, compared with 9 percent of the population.

August 10, 2018 Health

We know that smoking is terrible for your health. It’s actually linked to many diseases and health complications but it’s negative effect on eye health is not highlighted that much.

You’ve probably heard about it but smoking can affect your eye health, and it’s something to be wary about. Here are five more reasons why you need to kick this bad habit.

  1. Smoking may cause cataracts

Also known as clouding of the eyes, smokers are two times more prone to developing cataracts than those who do not smoke. Take note that cataract is still the leading cause of blindness in the world.

  1. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

As you get older, one of the eye health risks that you should be more aware of is AMD. Macular degeneration is the primary cause of vision loss for adults aged 65 and older. Smokers triple their risk of AMD. If you stop smoking at any stage of life or even later in life, it can significantly reduce your risk.

  1. Diabetic retinopathy for people with diabetes

If you’re diabetic and you haven’t stopped smoking yet, you have to know that studies show you can almost double your risk of losing your vision due to diabetes-induced damage to the retina’s blood vessel and vision loss.

  1. Uveitis

Uveitis is the inflammation of the eye’s middle layer. Smoking can lead to formation of uveitis, which can lead to bigger concerns including cataracts and glaucoma. A research found that smoking was associated with 2.2 times greater than normal risk of developing Uveitis.

  1. Smoking gives you dry eyes

If you have dry eyes but you’re certain you’re taking your water and eating well, it could be the smokes that’s giving you dry eyes. Tobacco smoke is known for its irritating effects on the eyes. Quitting will also relieve your eyes of redness, dryness, and scratchiness.

August 10, 2018 Health

Stress can affect your day to day life on different levels. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that are becoming stressed out, until it gets worse.

Luckily, there are ways on how to reduce stress so we can all face life with full attention and make the most out of it. In this post, you’ll see many tips on how you can fast track your relaxation.

  1. Write notes

To reduce stress, one of the effective ways is to write down everything that comes to your mind. It’s a great way to clear your head like a blank slate. This creative process is helpful because if we write down thoughts, problems, situations, or people, we tend to gain clarity and the tension eases.

  1. Tighten and release muscles

This muscle relaxation technique was first introduced in 1920 by a Psychotherapist named Kevin Chapman. The idea is based on the observation that any strong tension is followed by strong relaxation. This exercise is simple and it starts by making a fist then release and feel relaxation for 20 seconds.

  1. Change the way you react to stressful situations

There are events that are just out of our control. But, what we can control is the way we react to them. Here’s an example. You took your car to the mechanic for emergency repairs only to find out that you need to leave your car overnight. It’s inconvenient, and it can possibly alter your plans for the next day. However, no car means you can walk to your destination and get a little bit of exercise, or ask a friend for a lift and catch up.

  1. Stimulate your nerves

Did you know that touching your lips can relieve stress? It works by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Parasympathetic what? This part of the body is responsible for maintaining a calm and balanced state.

  1. Interrupt your flow

When we feel stressed out, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole. Instead of letting stress take over your day. You can stop it by imply interrupting your stress-inducing thoughts.  When you catch yourself stressing or worrying, clap your hands together and say out loud, “Stop! I’ll think about it later.” Or you can simply pinch yourself.

August 10, 2018 Health

Bad breath is an embarrassing condition that can impair our relationships, repel new opportunities, and it can destroy confidence

If you have noticed people grimaced in your face, or at one point pull away when you started to speak, it could be a sign that you have to check yourself for bad breath.

Here are the different ways to know if you need help to neutralize the stinky situation.

  1. Ask someone

It can be an embarrassing thing to do, but if you ask someone you love, they will let you know if you have it without any judgement (maybe a little, but at least you feel more safer)

  1. Use a bad breath kit

There’s actually a test kit that’s called a bad breath kit. You lick the strip and if it comes out clear, it means that you’re oral hygiene is on point.

  1. The saliva test

This one’s very easy. All you have to do is to lick the inside of your wrist, leave it for a minute. If you have bad breath, after the sulfur stuck to the skin, your dried up saliva will smell awful after a minute.

  1. Do the cotton test

The back of the tongue is probably the dirtiest part of your mouth. To check if you need level up your oral hygiene, wip the back of your tongue with a cotton ball and smell it. If it smells bad, then it’s safe to say that your breath is too.

  1. Bad taste

Does food tastes always bad? If you notice that yes it does pretty much all the time, chances are your breath is also bad.

  1. Do the spoon test

Grab a mirror and a spoon. Gently scrape the back of your tongue, if there’s a white bio-film on the spoon, sniff it. If it smells bad, give your teeth a clean and your tongue gentle scrape too whenever you brush.

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Better Health begins here. Make sure you get the best care. Find specialists in your area and feel more confident about your care team.

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