Can Smoking Damage Your Eyesight?

August 10, 2018

We know that smoking is terrible for your health. It’s actually linked to many diseases and health complications but it’s negative effect on eye health is not highlighted that much.

You’ve probably heard about it but smoking can affect your eye health, and it’s something to be wary about. Here are five more reasons why you need to kick this bad habit.

  1. Smoking may cause cataracts

Also known as clouding of the eyes, smokers are two times more prone to developing cataracts than those who do not smoke. Take note that cataract is still the leading cause of blindness in the world.

  1. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

As you get older, one of the eye health risks that you should be more aware of is AMD. Macular degeneration is the primary cause of vision loss for adults aged 65 and older. Smokers triple their risk of AMD. If you stop smoking at any stage of life or even later in life, it can significantly reduce your risk.

  1. Diabetic retinopathy for people with diabetes

If you’re diabetic and you haven’t stopped smoking yet, you have to know that studies show you can almost double your risk of losing your vision due to diabetes-induced damage to the retina’s blood vessel and vision loss.

  1. Uveitis

Uveitis is the inflammation of the eye’s middle layer. Smoking can lead to formation of uveitis, which can lead to bigger concerns including cataracts and glaucoma. A research found that smoking was associated with 2.2 times greater than normal risk of developing Uveitis.

  1. Smoking gives you dry eyes

If you have dry eyes but you’re certain you’re taking your water and eating well, it could be the smokes that’s giving you dry eyes. Tobacco smoke is known for its irritating effects on the eyes. Quitting will also relieve your eyes of redness, dryness, and scratchiness.

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