5 Ways to Manage Stress Effectively

August 10, 2018

Stress can affect your day to day life on different levels. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that are becoming stressed out, until it gets worse.

Luckily, there are ways on how to reduce stress so we can all face life with full attention and make the most out of it. In this post, you’ll see many tips on how you can fast track your relaxation.

  1. Write notes

To reduce stress, one of the effective ways is to write down everything that comes to your mind. It’s a great way to clear your head like a blank slate. This creative process is helpful because if we write down thoughts, problems, situations, or people, we tend to gain clarity and the tension eases.

  1. Tighten and release muscles

This muscle relaxation technique was first introduced in 1920 by a Psychotherapist named Kevin Chapman. The idea is based on the observation that any strong tension is followed by strong relaxation. This exercise is simple and it starts by making a fist then release and feel relaxation for 20 seconds.

  1. Change the way you react to stressful situations

There are events that are just out of our control. But, what we can control is the way we react to them. Here’s an example. You took your car to the mechanic for emergency repairs only to find out that you need to leave your car overnight. It’s inconvenient, and it can possibly alter your plans for the next day. However, no car means you can walk to your destination and get a little bit of exercise, or ask a friend for a lift and catch up.

  1. Stimulate your nerves

Did you know that touching your lips can relieve stress? It works by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Parasympathetic what? This part of the body is responsible for maintaining a calm and balanced state.

  1. Interrupt your flow

When we feel stressed out, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole. Instead of letting stress take over your day. You can stop it by imply interrupting your stress-inducing thoughts.  When you catch yourself stressing or worrying, clap your hands together and say out loud, “Stop! I’ll think about it later.” Or you can simply pinch yourself.

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